Bleuet Design Logo


Your ideas come to life.

A simmering project just waiting for that little push to come to life?

Let’s transform your ideas into a functional visual experience that reflects your expectations and vision.

Our Skills

Experience Design (UX/UI)

Rich and intuitive interfaces.

icône de Experience Design (UX/UI)

Defining user needs and developing a representative mockup is essential for a reliable and effective product.

Ideation, prototyping, and validation are necessary processes to save time and money while increasing product reliability.

  • Mockup (wireframe)

  • Flowchart (flowchart)

  • Information Architecture

  • Animated Prototype

  • Interactive Content

  • Video games

Graphic Design

An attractive and unique result.

icône de Graphic Design

With a creative and iterative approach, we ensure the essence of your project is captured through visuals and style.

We strive to create striking and memorable visuals, all while maintaining a refined and well-balanced appearance. A real treat for the eyes!

  • Visual Identity

  • Redesign

  • Iconography

  • Illustration

  • Graphic System

Programming and Integration

Robust and efficient applications.

icône de Programming and Integration

At the intersection of design, technology, and development, we stay updated with the best practices and recent advancements in the field.

We aim to provide you with a digital product that stands the test of time, using tools that are tried and tested.

  • Responsive Websites

  • Transactional Websites

  • Web Applications

  • Mobile Applications

  • Desktop Applications

  • SQL/NoSQL Databases

  • Server Management

  • Upgrading and Refactoring

  • Video Games

Attuned to your needs.

As delivering innovative digital solutions is at the heart of our concerns, we’re always ready to take on new challenges with you!

Projects? We devour them!
